Pelican Township
Approved Minutes of Board Meetings
Regular Meeting

August 2, 2004

The regular meeting of the Pelican Town Board was called to order by chairman Bruce Galles. Present: Bruce Galles, Ted Rice, John C. Johnson, Suzanne Goerges and Shirley Wallin.

Minutes of the July meeting were reviewed, T. Rice made a motion to accept Minutes of July meeting with one correction, seconded by J. Johnson, motion carried.

Treasurers Report: Beginning Balance: $211,992.51, Receipts: $30,712.94, Disbursements: $128,850.12, Ending Balance: $113,855.33, Checkbook Balance: $382.41, Savings
Balance: $113,472.92, For an All Funds Balance: $113,855.33, B Galles made a motion to accept Treasurers Report, seconded by T. Rice, motion carried.

Bills to be paid were presented, T. Rice made a motion to pay all bills seconded by J. Johnson, motion carried.

Correspondences read.

Road Report: T. Rice met with the DNR about the Sunset Valley Rd project as to where they want the road to be, need to still do the engineering and a letter is with Rob Hall (County
Engineer) to see about a grant, nothing finalized as of yet.

Committee Report: B. Galles said the Sanitary Service District I-Team has formed 2  sub-committee 's, 1). Intellectual Group, 2). Logistical Group. Next meeting date is Thursday
August 5th at 9 AM.

Police Report: Eric was not present but gave a verbal report to J. Johnson, said things at the beach are going so-so, not as clean as before, he will talk with the DNR but really no
problems. Everything else seems to be going OK in the Township.

Zoning: none

Unfinished or Old Business: B. Galles met with  Duane Blanck at the County Hwy  Dept. about the review of speed limits on County Rd 4. Galles informed Blanck that we would
support a lowering of speed limit to 45 MPH.  Chief Rudek from the Breezy Point Police Dept. informed the board through Eric that he would contact Blanck on this issue.  B.  Galles
said it didn't sound like Blanck thought a speed limit study would be done. 

J. Johnson reported on the Schoenhost property and Schoenhost sent more information and that sometime after August 15th would be an on site review. J. Johnson also said that
Mission Township decided not get in involved with the purchase of this property. Galles stated, if need be, he would purchase the property to prevent it from being sold to someone else,
before we can present it at our annual meeting.  J. Johnson will also check with Pelican Conservation Club and a few other places to see if anyone would be willing to donate any funds
for the purpose of purchasing this property.

We did order the 4 street signs that were missing for our Township from the County.

New Business:  J. Johnson report that Mission Township would like each township that their Fire Dept. services to donate $250.00 to purchase a new rescue sled. J. Johnson made a
motion we send Mission Fire Dept. $250.00 to purchase the rescue sled, seconded by T. Rice, motion carried. Check will be sent in Sept.

Dental Plan-Not enough interest so was dropped.

No Transfer of Funds.

Next Regular Meeting: Sept 13, 2004 at 7:30 PM

Primary Election: Sept 14, 2004  8:00 AM - 8 PM

B. Galles made a motion to approve the election judges listed, seconded by J. Johnson, motion carried.

Meeting adjourned by general consent.

Respectfully Submitted,

Shirley Wallin, Clerk