Approved Minutes of Board Meetings
FEBRUARY 7, 2005

The regular meeting of the Pelican Town Board was called to order by Chairman Bruce Galles. Robert Olson was sworn in for Supervisor to replace John C Johnson on the board until March, 2006.  No January meeting was held because of lack of quorum.
Present: Bruce Galles, Ted Rice, Robert Olson, Suzanne Goerges and Shirley Wallin.

Minutes from December 13, 2004 were reviewed, T.  Rice made a motion to approve minutes with corrections, seconded by R. Olson, motion carried.

Treasurers report given: Opening Balance: $192,272.10, Receipts: $9282.83, Disbursements: $4627.13, Ending Balance: $196.927.80, Checkbook Balance: $152.20, Savings Balance: $96,775.60, CD Balance: $100,000.00, All Funds Balance: $196, 927.80.  T. Rice made a motion to approve Treasurers report, seconded by R. Olson, motion carried.

 Bills for the January meeting were paid in January and approved by Supervisors at the Feb. meeting.  Bills for February meeting were presented and paid, T. Rice made a motion to approve January bills and to pay February bills, seconded by B. Galles, motion carried.

Police Report:  Breezy Point Police Dept. is talking with the City of Breezy Point now about hiring a part time position person to work full time and cover Pelican Township area as Eric is no longer with their Dept. they will be covering our township to at least fulfill our contract for this year, March 2004-March 2005. They will know later if they are going to be able to continue the contract for this next year.

Howard Hanson was present to discuss vacating a road this is off of his outlot A on Beaver Dam Rd. Board said he would need to do a few things to get this in process. (1). Need to have original drawing of plat, (2). Submit a petition, (3). Submit legal notice in paper and written notice to everyone within 500 ft., (4). Hold public hearing. All costs will be the responsibility of Mr. Hanson.  The supervisors will look at this at their annual road inspection in April.  Mr. Hanson will get all documents to the clerk.

Board received a letter from CTC wanting to service Pelican Township for Cable TV services and want to be exempt from franchise requirements. B. Galles requested that the Board delegate him to discuss this request with CTC and process it at the Town Board level.  Galles will also advise CTC to contact the Heartland Cable Commission regarding the applicable Cable TV Franchise already in effect within the Town. Request from Galles approved by general consensus.

T. Rice received a quote from Anderson Brothers for work on Sunset Valley Rd. It would cost $135,000.00 + for the 1 mile to re-do and to take down hills. He still hasn’t heard from the Land Trust or Shriner’s about Margaret Larson property. B. Galles suggested that we may need to send them a notice of intent, if they don’t respond soon. T. Rice is still waiting for some finalization from various places for the road project  and to see if we get any grant money from the DNR.  Township in need of a new mower, T. Rice said he could get a new heavy duty mower for $6600.00 which would fit on our tractor.  T. Rice also talked to Fargo (where we purchased our plow truck from) about a belly blade for the truck which would help to get the ice off the roads better, cost is around $5300.00 for blade only not including installation.

Zoning: none

Old Business: none

New Business: budget was reviewed for 2006, will submit at annual meeting for approval.  S. Goerges will not be here during the month of March, Agnes Goerges will be the Deputy Treasurer for her.

Next meeting date will be March 7, 2005 instead of March 14, 2005. 7:30 PM
Election: March 8, 2005  5-8 PM, Board of Canvass 8:05 PM and Annual Meeting at 8:15 PM.

No transfer of funds.

AUDIT MEETING:  The Town Board compared Warrants, Treasurers Books, Clerks Books and Canceled Checks and Receipts, all were reconciled.  Summary of Treasurers & Clerks books were compared. All funds balance.

Meeting adjourned by general consent.

Respectfully Submitted,

Shirley Wallin, Clerk