Approved Minutes of Board Meetings
MARCH 7, 2005

The regular meeting of the Pelican Town Board was called to order by Chairman Bruce Galles. Clerk swore in Agnes Goerges as Deputy Treasurer in absence of Treasurer Suzanne Goerges. Present: Supervisors: Bruce Galles, Ted Rice, Bob Olson, Deputy Treausrer:  Agnes Goerges and Clerk:  Shirley Wallin.

Joe Garcia from the Breezy Point Police Dept. was present as he will be the person fulfilling our police contract for this year. Joe introduced himself and gave us his background He also went over the police report for February.  Discussion will be held at our annual meeting for Police Protection for the upcoming year. Joe plans on being present for our annual meeting to be held Tuesday March 8, 2005.

Minutes of February meeting were discussed, B. Olson approved minutes as amended, seconded by T. Rice, motion carried.

Treasurers Report: Opening Balance: $196,927.80, Receipts: $58.66, Disbursements: $3731.76, Ending Balance: $193,254.70, Checkbook Balance: $10,420.44, Savings Balance: $82,834.26, CD Balance: $100,000.00, For an all Funds Balance: $193,254.70. B. Galles made a motion to approve Treasurers report, seconded by T. Rice, motion carried.

Bills to be paid were presented. T. Rice made a motion to pay all bills, seconded by B. Olson, motion carried.

Correspondences were read.

ROAD REPORT: T. Rice sent the Land Trust a map of what we needed for the road project and they should be getting that back shortly. Shriners is now  completely out of the picture.   We did get a proposal from Anderson Brothers for  the road project for Sunset Valley Rd. It will run around $135,000.00 and about $56,000.00 for Channel Lane, we won’t do Channel Lane unless we get the grant we applied for.
Rice checked on mowers would be $6600.00 + tax, the old mower is beyond fixable. T. Rice made a motion we purchase the New Holland 615 mower that he has been dealing on for $6600.00 + tax, seconded B. Olson, motion carried. Discussion held on the Belly Blade for the snow plow truck, this will be looked into further and decision by early fall.

COMMITTEE REPORTS: Ordinance being drafted for the Sanitary Service Dist. County Board will review this in April.

ZONING: Zoning issue for Sienna World Golf LCC to be rezoned from Green Space to Rural Residential.
Board will send a letter of no objection to rezone.

OLD BUSINESS: Did receive some quotes for Police Protection from City of Breezy Point, $32.38 hr for 20 hrs. a week Also received 1 quote from Crow Wing County, @ $37.00 hr. for 20 hrs. a week.

Reviewed budget to present at annual meeting.

New Business: Reorganizational Meeting: March 17, 2005 7:30 PM
Township Short Course will be at Breezy Point Resort on Friday March 25th, Clerk and Treasurer are unable to attend this meeting so will attend the short course held in Grand Rapids, MN on Thursday March 31st

Upcoming meetings:
 Town Election: March 8, 2005  5 pm to 8 pm
Board of Canvass: March 8, 2005 8:05 PM
Annual Meeting: March 8, 2005 8:15 PM
Reorganizational Meeting: March 17, 2005 7:30 PM
Next Regular Meeting: April 11, 2005 7:30 PM

TRANSFER OF FUNDS: B Galles made a motion by recommendation of Deputy Treasurer to transfer $9055.25 from  Rd. & Bridge to Fire, seconded by T. Rice, motion carried.

Meeting adjourned by general consent.

Respectfully Submitted,

Shirley Wallin