Approved Minutes of Board Meetings
APRIL 13, 2005

The regular meeting of the Pelican Town Board was called to order by Chairman Bruce Galles.  Present: Bruce Galles, Ted Rice, Bob Olson, Suzanne Goerges and Shirley Wallin. Also present were Jack & Lilli Johnson, and Joe Garcia from the Breezy Point Police Dept.

Joe gave report for the month of March. Had 47 incidents during the month, mainly traffic related.

Jack Johnson was present(former board member) and asked if he could be a volunteer for the township  and help T. Rice who is the  liason with Mission Township. Also was wondering if our township would be interested in a program like what Mission Township has which is called Mission Possible, where they have people that volunteer to drive people to Dr. Appt. and various appt. when the need arises. J. Johnson also talked about the Shoenhost Land & it looks like the county may be able to do something about purchasing this piece of property, soon.

Minutes from the March meeting were reviewed, T. Rice made a motion to approve minutes, seconded by B. Galles, motion carried. Minutes from the Board of Canvass were reviewed, B. Olson made a motion to approve minutes, seconded by T. Rice, motion carried.  Minutes from the Reorganization meeting were reviewed, B. Olson made a motion to approve minutes, seconded by T. Rice, motion carried.

Treasurers report: Opening Balance: $193,254.70, Receipts: $70.35, Disbursements: $23,451.09, Ending Balance: $169,873.96, Checkbook Balance: $169.35, Savings Balance: $69,704.61, CD Balance: $100,000.00, All Funds Balance: $169,873.96.  B. Galles made a motion to approve Treasurers Report, seconded by T. Rice, motion carried.

Bills to be paid were reviewed. We adjusted one bill for the mower, we removed the sales tax. Board will send letter explaining the use of the mower.  B. Olson made a motion to pay all bills, seconded by T. Rice, motion carried.

ROAD REPORT: T. Rice stated that maintenance person T. Loberg has dumped out the sand and has cleaned up the truck. He has also started sealing the cracks on the road.   Discusson held about the Meixner property as he wants $900.00 before he will sign an agreement to be able to dump some dirt on his property & put up a guard rail on Sunset Valley Rd across from Wallins South Shore Dr. ( the $900.00 stems from driveway issue when we paved past his current residence on Sunset Valley Rd.) Board doesn’t feel we owe him the $900.00 as no one else’s driveway was paved up any further than his, this issue will be for T. Rice  to handle with Meixner. Still waiting for written approval from the Land Trust Co. for Margaret Larson property. B. Galles made a motion if we don’t have written approval from any & all appropriate agencies & landowner by April 21, 2005 dealing with Margaret Larson property that  we serve her written notice of intent in dirt moving & tree removal, seconded by B. Olson, motion carried.
Road Inspection was done, the Supervisors inspected all roads, all ditches, culverts and right of ways.


NEW BUSINESS:  A Letter of Commendation will be sent to the Breezy Point Police Chief Steve Rudik commending Joe Garcia on his outstanding police work on April 10, 2005.

B. Galles made a motion by the recommendation of the Treasurer to transfer $886.57 from Rd. & Bridge to Fire, seconded by T. Rice, motion carried.

May 10, 2005 10:00 AM, Board of Review
Next regular meeting will be Wednesday May 11, 2005 at 7:30 PM instead of Monday May 9th.

Meeting adjourned by general consent.

Respectfully Submitted,

Shirley Wallin, Clerk