Pelican Township
Approved Minutes of Board Meetings

DECEMBER 12, 2005

The regular meeting of the Pelican Town Board was called to order by Chairman Bruce Galles. Present: Supervisors: Bruce Galles, Robert Olson and Ted Rice. Treasurer: Suzanne Goerges and Clerk: Shirley Wallin.

Minutes of November meeting reviewed, R. Olson made a motion to approve minutes with a few minor corrections, seconded by T. Rice, motion carried.

Treasurers report given: Opening Balance: $207,444.34, Receipts: $12,327.56, Disbursements: $8,536.64, Ending Balance: $211,235.26, Checkbook Balance: $1,015.97, Savings Balance: $110,219.29, CD Balance: 100,00.00, All Funds Balance: $211,235.26.  Our CD’S mature on 12/22/05, B. Galles made a motion that the board give Suzanne Goerges, Treasurer,  the discretion to put $100,00.00 in CD’s for up to 6 months in one or more financial institutions with the best interest rates, seconded by R. Olson.  B. Galles amended the motion to put in up to $200,000.00 in CD’s in one or more financial institutions for 6 months with the best interest rates, seconded by R. Olson, motion carried. Co-signers for Financial institues business are Treasurer: Suzanne Goerges and Clerk Shirley Wallin. 

Joe was present from the Police Dept. he presented both the October and November report and also gave us a quarterly report. He said things have slowed down since Labor Day. 

Bills to be paid were presented, T. Rice made a motion to pay all bills, seconded by R. Olson, motion carried.

Correspondence: Received letter from Crow Wing County Auditors office as to the procedure of changing the town board elections to be held in conjunction with November State and National elections. This will be brought up at the annual meeting in March.

Road Report: There will be a special meeting to review Sunset Valley Road as to figure out the specs for a bid to be done, meeting will be held on Monday December 19, 2005 at 10 AM. This will be posted on the door at the Town Hall.

Committee Reports: 
 Sanitary Service District:  They did receive a $500,000.00 Federal Grant. Committee being formed now and will be in place in January
  Cable Commission had 2 meetings on 11/29 and 12/7-  by-laws approved and came up with funds for a grant program for the 5 townships & towns in the Heartland Cable Commission. Pelican Township can apply for $5,000.00 grant  to be used for other things not covered by tax base. We would have to submit annually for the grant. R. Olson made a motion that we send a letter to apply for the grant money to develop trails & parks within Pelican Township, seconded by B. Galles, motion carried.

Mission Fire Meeting held on December 19th   Pelican Township portion will be 19% which would make our contract over $21,000.00 for the upcoming year. Center is building a satellite site off of Mission.

No transfer of funds.

Next meeting date will be January 9, 2006 unless Clerk is still out of town then may be postponed until January 12, 2006. Clerk will let board know if it will be on the 12th.

Regular meeting date in March may be changed to the first Monday March 6th   as Clerk may be gone the 13th which is the normal meeting date.

T. Rice made a motion to adjourn, seconded by B. Galles, motion carred.

Respectfully Submitted,

Shirley Wallin, Clerk