Pelican Township
Approved Minutes of Board Meetings

DECEMBER 5, 2006

The regular meeting of the Pelican Town Board was called to order by Chairman Bruce Galles. Present: Bruce Galles, Robert Olson, Suzanne Goerges and Shirley Wallin. Absent: Ted Rice.  Also present: Jim and Connie Rockwell, Steve Rudek (Breezy Point Police), David Landecker (Landecker & Associates).

Minutes of the November meeting were reviewed, R. Olson made a motion to approve minutes with a minor correction, seconded by B. Galles, motion carried.

Treasurers report given: Opening: $253,381.14, Receipts: $2508.85, Disbursements: $114,214.52, Ending Balance: $141,675.47, Checkbook Balance: $12,105.74, Savings Balance: $46,577.10, Savings Balance: $46,577.10, Money Market Account (Northern National Bank) $12,663.83, Money Market Account (American National Bank) $70,328.80, All Funds Account: $141,675.47.  R. Olson made a motion to approve Treasurers report, seconded by B. Galles, motion carried.

David Landecker from Landecker & Associates was present. He is representing Sienna Corp. They want to develop properties & subdivide into 21 residential lots 8 out lots in Palmer Addition on Pelican Lake.    They will have a private road so they can keep control of things within that area. David went over things that they would like to do and would like the Pelican Town Board’s approval before going to Planning & Zoning on December 14th with this request. B. Galles made a motion that we send the county a letter of support of this development for Palmers Addition for Sienna Corp. and that we are firmly opposed to any annexation of property to the city of Breezy Point, seconded by R. Olson, motion carried. 

Steve Rudek from Breezy Point police was present to give the police report for this month. He handed out what the police dept. has done within the last month. Everything seems to be going OK within the township.

Bills to be paid were presented, R. Olson made a motion to pay all bills, seconded by B. Galles, motion carried.

Correspondences were read.

Road Report: T. Rice, absent. B. Galles reported that John Harvey said he would remove the boulders at his own expense. B. Galles stated that the board decided that he needed to remove just a portion of the boulders that could pose a hazard. Mr. Harvey removed part of the left side and reported back to B. Galles.

Zoning: Meeting on December 12, 2006 at 10:05 AM to possibly amend zoning ordinance for allowing Park Model trailers in licensed campgrounds.  December 14, 2006 for Sienna Corp. request to develop in Palmers Addition.

Fire Protection: We will need to write letters to the 3 Depts. (Nisswa, Mission & Pequot Lakes) to notify them of the changes to be made and need to contact County Surveyors Office and Auditors office of the changes that will be done.

No transfer of funds

January meeting will be held Thursday January 11, 2007 at 7:30 PM. 

Meeting adjourned by general consent.

Respectfully Submitted,
Shirley Wallin, Clerk