Approved Minutes of Board Meetings
JUNE 8, 2005

The regular meeting of the Pelican Town Board was called to order by Chairman Bruce Galles. Present: Bruce Galles, Ted Rice, Bob Olson, Suzanne Goerges and Shirley Wallin.

Minutes of the May meeting were reviewed. T. Rice made a motion to approve minutes subject to  corrections, seconded by B. Olson, motion carried.

Treasurers report given: Opening Balance: $171,954.25, Receipts: $92.66, Disbursements: $3014.27, Ending Balance: $169,032.64, Checkbook Balance: $179.14, Savings: $68,853.50, CD Balance: $100,000.00, For an all Funds Balance: $169,032.64. The CD for $100,000.00 is coming due in mid June,  B. Galles made a motion to have Treasurer S. Goerges  review the numbers and either do a 3 months or 6 months CD, whichever she felt was best for our needs throughout the remainder of this year, seconded by B. Olson, motion carried.

Police Report:  Josef Garcia was present from the Breezy Point Police Dept. he gave the report for May, said it was pretty standard month, no burglaries or thefts. Clerk received a call about neighbor shooting guns off for hours at a time & was wondering if township had any ordinances in place for something like that, discussion held. Supervisors asked Joe to check out the basketball hoop situation on Beaver Dam Rd., concerns for safety of children.

Bills to be paid were reviewed, T. Rice made a motion to pay all bills, seconded by B. Olson, motion carried.

Correspondences: Received a letter from the Board of Commissioners about the dog ordinance and which townships have paid and which townships have chosen not to paid. Clerk will write letter and asked if those who haven’t paid are covered by the dog ordinance as well & if they are we want our money back. Received letter from Crow Wing County Land Department of a possible land exchange that would effect land in Pelican Township, it was an informational letter and didn’t ask for a response.

Road Report:  T. Rice gave report. T. Rice said he checked on what the standard county ordinance was for height of a fence which is 5 ft. a neighbor was questioning as his neighbor put up a fence between the 2 properties that is 7 ft. high.  T. Rice hasn’t heard anything back about the sweeper.  T. Rice also has someone that will do cutting of trees & brush in exchange for the wood, plus some money for gas, this is to get ready for road project along Sunset Valley Rd. & Channel Lane. B. Galles will check with our Township Attorney about insurance coverage. Plans are to start doing this on June 18th which is on a Saturday but only time can get crew together. T. Rice does have the OK from landowners to cut the trees down. May have Anderson Brothers redo the sharp corner up past Wass’s house on Sunset Valley Rd as corner’s pot holes need filled & rd. right of way cut + class 5 on various rd.  Need certified engineer for DNR land on Channel Ln.-the grant can be extended until next year if it needs to be.

Committee Reports: will be a vote by County Board in July for Sanitary Service District .

Zoning: Patton in Cree Bay Circle-will write letter of no objections but recommend removal of travel trailer after summer season and to have the travel trailer on that property for  no longer than 24 months, also to make sure the septic system is adequate with site plan.

Discussion held to change monthly meeting date, will leave as is for now

No transfer of funds.

Next regular meeting date will be July 11, 2005  7:30 PM

T. Rice made a motion to adjourn, seconded by B. Olson, motion carried;

Respectfully Submitted,

Shirley Wallin, Clerk