Pelican Township
Approved Minutes of Board Meetings

SEPTEMBER 14, 2006

The regular meeting of the Pelican Town Board was called to order by Chairman Bruce Galles. Present: Bruce Galles, Ted Rice, Robert Olson, Suzanne Goerges and Shirley Wallin. Also present Nellie Weaver and Gayle Lunak.

Minutes of August meeting reviewed, B. Galles made a motion to accept minutes with a few minor changes, seconded by R. Olson, motion carried.

Joe Garcia was present from the Breezy Point Police Dept. he handed out comparison for 2005/2006 April-June report and also the last few monthly reports. Everything seems to be going OK within the township. They are now doing more patrolling in the township at night and people are not driving through here as much because of that.  Pelican Beach was quiet over the summer with hardly any incidents this year.  Joe gave a demonstration on some new equipment that can detect heat for searchers, etc. that they just received through a grant.

Treasurers report given: Opening Balance: $270,776.89, Receipts: $712.97, Disbursements: $13,824.54, Checkbook Balance: $72,978.54, Savings Account: (Wells Fargo) $35,245.23, Money Market Accounts: (Northern National) $46,313.82, (American National) $103,127.73, Ending Balance: $257,665.32. R Olson made a motion to approve Treasurers report seconded by B. Galles, motion carried.

Clerk gave overview of Primary Election- we had 58 voters and about 7-8 people tried the new Auto Mark Machine. General Election will be Tuesday November 7th with polls open from 10 AM to 8 PM.

Bills to be paid were presented. T. Rice made a motion to pay all bills, seconded by R. Olson, motion carried.

Correspondence: Dist. 8 meeting Sept. 26th at VFW in Randall MN.  Crow Wing County Township Association Meeting will be Thursday Oct. 5th at Ft. Ripley Town Hall.

ROAD REPORT: T. Rice called Anderson Brothers and Holmvigs about doing some work on the roads, no response from either one. T. Rice spoke with a resident that does not want the hole filled in on Sunset Valley Road by Wallins South Shore Dr. B. Galles will speak with that person and see what can be worked out.  T. Rice called Crow Wing Power and they don’t want us to do any work under their high lines or within their right-of-way. 

Discussion held on the John Harvey issue with boulders possibly with in the township road right-of-way. We received 3 bids to have that surveyed. Landeckers $400.00, KLD-$800.00 and WSN- $1600.00, next step is to contact lowest bidder Landeckers to do survey and if encroached will send John Harvey a 14 day demand letter for removal-if not removed with in that time frame, we will have it removed and bill on his taxes. We will also have MAT attorneys & attorney Sandelin review this first.  R. Olson made a motion we accept Landeckers bid with a cap of $500.00 to do survey, seconded by T. Rice, motion carried.

B. Galles and Breezy Point Police drove the Cree Bay Circle road about the complaints received about speed bumps in the road. They spoke with the landowners that put the speed bumps in the road. Speed bumps have been removed and they will put up 20 mile an hr. suggested speed limit signs at their own expense purchasing the signs themselves and 24 posts from the township at $4.50 each. The Breezy Point Police will patrol this road more frequently. 

Committee Reports: none

Zoning: none

Old Business: none
New Business: Next regular meeting will be Tuesday October 10th 7:30 PM and November meeting will be Thursday November 16th 7:30 PM.

No transfer of funds.

Meeting adjourned by general consent.

Shirley Wallin, Clerk

Pelican Township